Buckys C++ Programming Tutorials – 62 – Exceptions

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22 responses to “Buckys C++ Programming Tutorials – 62 – Exceptions”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    damn, she had a kid at 16….

  2. pzg2008 Avatar

    it could happen that the son is older than the mother if you are refering to some kind of funky porn …

  3. Anthony Lewis Avatar

    It's funny to see how many people like and comment these videos, despite how the content often goes against the official FAQ and miscellaneous enterprise practices. Do yourselves a favour and switch to official/reputable C++ learning resources, I.e. isocpp.org, stroustrup.com, the c++ programming language, programming principles and practice, effective modern C++, …)

  4. ImaginaryHuman072889 Avatar

    try{   int momsAge = 50;   int sonsAge = 34;   if ((momsAge – sonsAge) == 16){      throw 70;   }} catch (int x) {
       cout << "You need to drop out of high school." << endl;}

  5. LoLoLoLoLo855 Avatar

    I wonder if this mom did show up in Sixteen and Pregnant

  6. Noadufer Avatar

    800th like 😀

  7. Boss6201 Avatar

    pretty cool huh?

  8. Michael Plautz Avatar

    But a father can be younger than his daughter due to time dilation from travelling near the speed of light – that's what happened at the end of Interstellar!

  9. I am uncomfortable Avatar

    catch me ousside how bow dah?

  10. frootube Avatar

    Could you do a c++ game development series

  11. Level Gen Avatar

    lol stepmom can younger then son buky

  12. CobraL0rd Avatar

    Very interesting. So is this how many programs catch the errors and display them afterwards? Unless there's catastrophic / compiling errors, where the specific register contents etc. are being displayed?

  13. W ALT Avatar

    What's the throw expression syntax?
    I mean I understand that they accept integers only but is it something like:
    throw int;

    (I tried putting a double and a char, char caused the compiler to returned an error, double passed the compiler but caused the final cmd output to return some sort of an error message too)

  14. Essam Gouda Avatar

    This is explained brilliantly

  15. Josh Dotson Avatar

    Lo!l 4:18 The program works perfectly. Just think, coal is burned to produce electricity; it is then sent via power lines to a substation, threw more power lines, to a transformer, through the ground, to your breaker, to that outlet your PC is plugged in to, threw the PSU and the 12v connector to your CPU, that uses that power to compile this program and run it, to then FINALLY!……ACCOMPLISH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! lol. Summary: This program is bad for the environment.

  16. evilnekowantznobs Avatar

    But Bucky!

    What if its a vampire thats just honest?

  17. Randy Berks Avatar

    Thanks Bucky!! One question though.. why int x?

  18. Dev Chahal Avatar

    hey bucky can we make exception handling to throw an integer in 1 class function and catch it in different function of same class??

  19. Yifan Chen Avatar

    This is better and clearer than my professor in any regards! I understand it! Thanks again Bucky!

  20. Luis M Avatar

    Can these exceptions be implemented within individual functions? Or does it have to be strictly within main?

  21. Aditya Ravishankar Avatar

    Gonna catch em all…Gonna catch em aalll!!

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