Java Programming Tutorial – 1 – Installing the JDK

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39 responses to “Java Programming Tutorial – 1 – Installing the JDK”

  1. ABHI KS Avatar

    I wrote the exact same code …but i m getting the following output….I am using eclipse oxygen ide …
    12:00:00 AM
    6:27:00 AM

    Is there wrong with the ide

  2. shazykay Avatar

    what about for Macbook?

  3. Akshar Agarwal Avatar

    Is this playlist obsolete or is everything still same in java ??????

  4. #trendyideas Avatar

    u have copied from AllOfCoding

  5. KillerBread Avatar

    why do u have fl studio

  6. David Mullenbach Avatar

    Is this still the same now in 2017?

  7. Mantu Ciprian Avatar

    This seems to be a very useful tutorial, the way that 'beky' is teaching you is very nice and easy to understand, I have been studying JavaScript (not Java !) for 1 year ,I am able to create small-medium single web apps with Angular.js , but, I was curious how Java works because I have seen a lot of jobs available that uses this programming language so I took a quick look and I can say that it looks like JavaScript(es6) and TypeScript . If I decide to learn Java soon, I think that this tutorial would be my first one . Thank you for making such a good tutorial that helps a lot of peoples.

  8. gideon sailianpuia Avatar

    I don't have command line or dont see it. Where should I go?

  9. Racejam Avatar

    is JDK 1.8.0_131 the same?

  10. roflwaffles Avatar

    hello everyone. quick question for yall. how relevant is this guide right now in 2017?

  11. fast furious Avatar

    this is not Bucky 🙁

  12. Michael Darby Avatar

    This tutorial would be better with even lower quality than it already is.
    Who agrees?

  13. rehan Siddique Avatar


  14. Laszlo Zsolt Mihaly Avatar

    I am really curious if this tutorial is still relevant is 2017?

  15. deepcovergecko 1907 Avatar

    I'm running windows 10 how do I create a path ? Edit: I got it delete the java/javapath
    folder from the path.

  16. Blessing junior Langa Avatar

    Just wanna say thanks to Bucky for this they are so so helpful to me. I really appreciate it.

  17. Ikhwan Nainy Avatar

    I am leaving a comment here to mark the beginning of my journey. I know I'm almost a decade late, but better that I start now than never. Wish me luck guys and see you at the end of the tunnel :).

  18. Ismaail Aatif Avatar

    hello thanks a lot brother for thoses videos please i just i find problem for dowload java if any one here can fix thsi probleme with me

  19. Erkan Giray Arat Avatar

    So the first thing I need you to do is go ahead and open up your internet browser, right here. And once you have that open, I am going to use FireFac.

  20. Aman Gupta Avatar

    need a video for Jmenu

  21. Mental_N Avatar

    Play at X2, thank me later.

  22. victoria agyin Avatar

    Hey could you make a playlist with videos on computer science principles. Our school just made the class and apparently the teacher doesn't have a clue how to teach. She's the AP teacher and I want to make a 5 on the exam…

  23. Miguel Rodriguez Avatar

    is this tutorial series still valid in 2017?

  24. Laquisha Cain Avatar

    i am having problems letting my computer know were my compiler is.

  25. Albert Maina Avatar

    how do I get my Windows 8 to show me where the compiler is …I have the new jdk 8 u 131 n the steps don't link up the jdk 6 is old

  26. jiaman xu Avatar

    The first sentence I heard when I open this video is:
    "What's going on everybody this is fucky"

  27. Poseidon Avatar

    The environment variable "Path" already exists but has the wrong path. What do I do?

  28. vikash kumar Avatar

    after your instruction i did not got any icon on the desktop so please tell me from where i should acess because i want to program in java

  29. Hafsa Sultan Avatar

    hey, i want to do the tutorials on the Android studio. guide me how can I do that ???

  30. Emily Wang Avatar

    Does this still work in 2017?

  31. Qaiser Mehmood Avatar

    is there we need any settings in cmd or no am facing the problem with it

  32. Rithvik Bommareddy Avatar

    if im watching this in 2017, where do i download java at?

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