Java Video Tutorial 59

Get the game code:

In the last part of this tutorial I showed you how to make the PhotonTorpedo class using a UML class diagram.

In this tutorial, I show you how to make your space ship shoot the torpedos on the screen. As you’ll see, because I used good OOP design principles in the last video, adding the shooting feature will require very few changes.

All of the code above is heavily commented to help you learn.






21 responses to “Java Video Tutorial 59”

  1. Spanky Avatar

    nice game tutorial. a little outdated now though πŸ˜›

  2. Ahmad Sedeek Avatar

    why we need to change creating theShip to static in GameDrawingPanel ?

  3. aysikl Avatar

    but ah – I still have to get my blues (xml and c are blue ye? :p) when 60 and grind the design patterns for improved spellweaving .. ;b

  4. Derek Banas Avatar

    Congratulations!!! A very small few have made it this far. I doubt anyone has gone through all of this plus design patterns, object oriented design and refactoring. I'm very happy that you liked them πŸ™‚

  5. aysikl Avatar

    59 done!.. gonna sleep and ding 60 tomorrow .. ;P
    but then it'll all be over :/ .. luckily there's a lot of bonus content .. gotta grind design patterns and get my algo rotations down right with all spells, and then check expansion packs to other languages.. :B

  6. Derek Banas Avatar

    Thank you πŸ™‚ I do my best to cover topics in original ways. I have spent a great deal of time on oop in my design pattern, OOD, and refactoring tutorials. I'll get back into game development like this very soon

  7. La Flama Blanca Avatar

    holy shit!! I can't believe I haven't found your tutorials earlier! I would have to say that your tutorials are the best i've seen on youtube. I also think it is really great how you include OOP design principles inside your tutorials. These types of things are exactly what I have been looking for! Sub'd! Thank you so much for these tutorials, it is much appreciated πŸ™‚

  8. MusicalSawMen Avatar

    498 th, it happen !

  9. Derek Banas Avatar

    I'll see what I can do?

  10. Derek Banas Avatar

    In the next video I'll blow up the rocks and spaceships. Also sound will be introduced. It will be up tomorrow.

  11. Derek Banas Avatar

    Thank you πŸ™‚ I'll do a whole tutorial on design patterns. This tutorial was basically just put together to get everyone ready for it. I'm glad you liked it

  12. dasten123 Avatar

    your videos are so awesome :))) I'm really looking forward to see more on design patterns stuff
    and I would like to see how you would fix the keylistener so that you can press more than one button at the same time

  13. Derek Banas Avatar

    So many people live free lives because they know how to program. I don't foresee a time any time soon in which a programmer won't always be able to find work. I'm glad you enjoy the videos πŸ™‚

  14. WikiPeoples Avatar

    this is gunna sound really lame, but programming videos like this one changed my life… this is great content that can really help people

  15. Derek Banas Avatar

    Thank you πŸ™‚ It has been fun to completely cover a subject for once. Every tutorial after this will be complete.

  16. wong Avatar

    loving your Java series :D…

  17. Derek Banas Avatar

    I don't want anyone to think I'm upset about my views. I'm very happy actually! I remember the days in which I'd put up videos and never receive a single comment. I love the little community that has been built here. It is very fun to talk to you all. I'll have to do a Google hangout someday for Q&A and to see you guys πŸ™‚

  18. Erik Cagi Avatar

    I think its only 20 because the game is in proces, when it will be done, i guess there will be like 100 people for 500 views πŸ™‚

  19. Derek Banas Avatar

    Yes I should have made a custom class that extends polygon. Then I could base Rock, SpaceShip and PhotonTorpedo off of that class. That would have shortened the code, but I thought it might be confusing? I'm trying to back into OOP design in a weird way. I just thought it would be interesting to present it in a new way? Thanks for understanding what I'm trying to do πŸ™‚

  20. James Avatar

    Yeah I'm good with OOP but never done much game design, I like your tutorials because they are quick and to the point. I was also wondering if it would make more sense to have a polygon interface and implement that rather than extending a class, that way you could use polymorphism to hold one ArrayList of all polygons and just invoke the move() method, might tidy up the game loop?

  21. Derek Banas Avatar

    You'll be first some day πŸ™‚ I don't think you are alone in watching the videos, but not typing out the code. I can tell how many people go to the site to get my code. It is about 20 people for every 300 views

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