How to import Illustrator Files to Cinema 4D R15

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38 responses to “How to import Illustrator Files to Cinema 4D R15”

  1. the_L3G. Avatar

    who came here after his newest video? xD

  2. Eric Tippenhauer Avatar

    You explained what what I needed in 20 seconds in the middle of the video…why is this 4 minutes long?

  3. Lorcan Mak Avatar

    Thanks Will…spent the last hour looking at tutorials and no one else mentioned that you need to save as illustrator . Sorted

  4. Daft Rebel Avatar

    It was very useful, thank you!

  5. Rios Monkey Avatar

    please help. when i open it in cinema 4d it has the logo but also has a box around it

  6. Orsi Lukacs Avatar

    Thank you so much! It was a BIG help! :))

  7. Henry831film Avatar

    Quick question, so im new to graphic design and just need to know what is it called exactly where its a combo of video and graphic design showed in this video? I need to know where to start, Thank you Will!!!

  8. Bfdidc Avatar

    Just a note: Multiple 3d programs can only read from Illustrator 8, so it's not just C4d.

  9. Skrub Donut Avatar

    I'm having a strange problem. The ai file I want to put it looks fine, but when I import it, every individual path has one segment missing from it, but "connect splines" is on. So each shape has one side missing.

  10. Boş Kanal Avatar

    Ai File Not Opening At MyC4D R14 🙁

  11. Chachi Avatar

    Works on R14, thank you for the tutorial. Helped a lot.

  12. SSB ISSA VIDEOS Avatar

    Thank you very much, sir ! 😉
    So many videos, I couldn't understand why it wouldn't work for me until I watched yours, because you might be the only one mentioning it needs to be Illustrator 8 in saving options. Thanks!
    Excuse my English

  13. Jean W Naumann Avatar

    i tried this over and overdoes not work

  14. J.K. Anane Avatar

    Thanks loads, I had just gotten back into learning Cinema 4D and remembered this quick tutorial. Hope to start producing awesome designs with the help of ur vids. Nice one.

  15. GLOKU SSJ3 Avatar

    I dont get the import illustrator screen.. When i Merge it i can choose the file but then nothing happens

  16. Brian Damegd Avatar

    why does your logo look like a vagina?

  17. fuckyy Avatar

    When I import it some is missing.  Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

  18. RussmanDesignHD Avatar

    Definitely Helped Plenty

  19. Drew Avatar

    My Cinema 4D R15 doesn't have "Extrude NURBS", it only has "Extrude", and when I make my imported illustrator file a child nothing changes.  What am I doing wrong?

  20. Zach Solon Avatar

    This Helped me SOOOOOOOOOOO Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks SoOoOoO Much!!!!

  21. Ekaterina Golubeva Avatar

    can you help me? i stuked with extrude. it doesn't work for some reason (

  22. keatCSGO Avatar

    when i go to make it 3d i make a child or what every he said then it doesnt go 3d?

  23. wxllyC Avatar

    When I merge it into 4d it is just a square?!? Help?

  24. Zach Solon Avatar

    What mac do u have?,your screen looks really big.

  25. Mechi A. Avatar

    thrausi is a c4d plugin for shattering 3d objects, most commonly commonly used to prepare obj files for usage in element 3d in after effect

  26. Will Paterson Avatar

    This method allows for more customisation, plus you don't have to download anything! 🙂

    Thanks though!

  27. Bushdoctorbeats Avatar

    CV ArtSmart is a free C4D-plugin from Cineversity that let's you import all .ai and .pdf files directly and has some cool extra features…

  28. Will Paterson Avatar

    You're very welcome! Hope you enjoy all the other videos!

  29. BKV Avatar

    thks so much, i stuked in a tutorial about c4d, i cannot import ai file, thanks you, i got as illustrator 8 m/ ..great

  30. Will Paterson Avatar

    Sorry! I really don't know what thrausi is! If you give me more info, then I'll make a video of it!

  31. Will Paterson Avatar

    Thanks! There's more to come, so subscribe!

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