How to Make Android Apps 10 Android Fragments

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In this few parts of my Android tutorial I’ll focus on a Android Fragment Tutorial. I’ll start off slow here by showing you how to switch fragments based on screen orientation, which is very commonly used.

I’ll specifically cover the basics of fragments, layout fragments, FragmentManager, FragmentTransaction, committing fragment replacements, LayoutInflator, Configuration and more.






30 responses to “How to Make Android Apps 10 Android Fragments”

  1. LetsDoIt Ok Avatar

    You are the best!

  2. Kent Wan Avatar

    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();

  3. Nikhil p sathyanathan Avatar

    nice video now I really understand how to use fragment

  4. Drzubin Bhavsar Avatar

    I am not able to find the Support folder in my mac as per 2:19 in the above video !

  5. Ketaki Deshmukh Avatar

    @Derek . . Can you explain about Constraint Layout? Is there any tutorial of yours about it. Every time I create an xml in android studio, it is in Constraint layout. A bit confusing concept.

  6. Bokchee 88 Avatar

    Do you have a video where you talk about nested fragments? I want to make a main fragment or container fragment in one activity, and inside this main/container fragment, i want to have two fragments.The purpose of this i want to implement login and register with swipe opportunity, user can swipe to login or to make new account.

  7. Arthas Menethil Avatar

    I'm currently busy with an application that has a settings page, under the settings page there are 5 different options to help the user, and within each of those options there is 1-3 more options. In total I've created 12 fragment xml's. Currently I have a settings activity with onclick listeners which send the user to each of the related pages, however my question is do I need to create an activity for each of these fragments, or can I simply change the contentView using these clickListeners ?

  8. Phumudzo Muvhango Avatar

    Thanx a lot awesome sir

  9. lolfert Avatar

    Great video. Finding android development tutorials in coherent english shouldn't be as hard as it is…

  10. Hany Makhlouf Avatar

    if you are getting problems with
    FragmentManager fragmentManager= getFragmentManager();
    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction= fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
    try this fragmentManager= getFragmentManager(); fragmentTransaction= fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

  11. Ryan Davis Avatar

    good video…I actually liked the zooming…thx for sharing!!! #youtuberulz

  12. Dragan Smoljan Avatar

    hello there, why you need to comment out setContentView() in activitymy?

  13. Joshua Lee Avatar

    Wow this video is amazing. Only the important things and quick. I love it. Keep making these!

  14. Non Ya Avatar

    Are you a genius?

  15. karlravioli Avatar

    OH MY GOD all that zooming! Make it stop!! The text is large enough to where it's not necessary. Nice tutorial btw.

  16. Me chichu Avatar

    Nobody told this tutorial was here..! finally found you

  17. Mallikarjun Hanamshetty Avatar

    It was a great video, May i know why you included 2 fragments in Activity_main file?

  18. Daniel Jones Avatar

    Good video! Thanks!

  19. Smith John Avatar

    Good but Zoom make trouble to understand , Good effort

  20. mai ahmed Avatar

    This was extremely useful!
    Thanks a lot (y)

  21. Albertoha94 Avatar

    Wow man. I must say your video is pretty nice and clear. Nicely done!

  22. André Ribeiro Avatar

    Great video bro, but, too much zoom.

  23. Grizzlycougar Avatar

    If you have trouble with the line

    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();

    change "getFragmentManger();" to "getSupportFragmentManager();"

  24. l4z Avatar

    This is where you can find the v4.jar 😉

    And the libs folder

     You are welcome!

  25. City Backpackers Avatar

    It seems like a good video in terms of the content, but I can't stand the zooming, and it makes it very difficult for me to follow along. Ill be looking elsewhere…

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