Java Programming: Let’s Build a Zombie Game #2

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in this tutorial we’re creating the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) system for our zombie game! We start by creating our ID enumeration, GameObject parent class and the Handler class to update and render all of the GameObjects in our game. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below.

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4 responses to “Java Programming: Let’s Build a Zombie Game #2”

  1. TJPlaysNow Avatar

    I don't see a point in the ID system, you have an abstract class, you could just setup a getId() method that just returns a set int or something, there is no need for an interface to be created for such a small thing when you can use any other method that doesn't require an extra file. You're on the right track to doing things good, but at the same time there are somethings that you need to change to be good. I really hope you implement some lambda usage sooner or later too just because the way they work adds a nice feel to the way a program runs in total. Will be waiting to see what comes next though

  2. KAT_ Avatar

    You taught me alot! Thanks!

  3. FunKyWizzarD Avatar

    I wanted to thank you ! Your videos allowed me to develop my end of study project (2 years ago). Do you plan to make games multiplayer with socket gestion (UDP)?
    You do a very good job. Continuous like this 🙂 !!

  4. RealTutsGML Avatar

    Thanks for watching! I'm having a blast building this game with you guys. I've also been adjusting my microphone setup, how does it sound for you? Thanks! -Zack

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