Objective C Programming Tutorial – 19 – Nested if Statements

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30 responses to “Objective C Programming Tutorial – 19 – Nested if Statements”

  1. DallasTheHeistStarter Avatar

    It should be:
    int age;
    BOOL sex;
    Since it might be a porno site πŸ™‚

  2. Pig0Benis88 Avatar

    Looks like we have another misogynist tool for the cis gendered patriarchy! This is an outrage! Everyone should donate to my patreon for having to endure this affront to my fascistic SJW feelings.

  3. ealamr Avatar

    These are the best objective c tuts. I've seen Thanks bucky keep them up please

  4. steven becker Avatar

    bucky i love you, i feel so amazing because i took it a set further and nested the whole second scanf for sex inside my if statement for age that way both dont always run, the sex one only runs if you pass the age test πŸ˜€ so cool

  5. Johnny Niska Avatar

    the key above the RETURN key does only apply to US keyboards πŸ™‚
    on DK keyboards it is ALT + I (I as in i)

  6. clickstan Avatar

    We are here, but too busy learning πŸ™‚

  7. nick boricha Avatar

    truly madly deeply in love with buck's tuts…

  8. Pspl4yer Avatar


  9. Dauglashalfve Avatar

    Everyone is to caught up watching every video after another on fullscreen.

  10. BrightenedLight Avatar

    lol the interactive transcrpite at 4:50 is halarious

  11. LyricalExtreme Avatar

    Great tutorials Jake Harper!!

  12. Nick H Avatar

    Another way to do the sex part would be to make it a char variable. Then the prompt would be B for boy and G for girl or something like that.

  13. ExtrahoVinco Avatar


  14. Hoagy Cunningham Avatar

    Why do you not bother adding the curly brackets? And then how does it know which parts are intended to be encapsulated in the if statement?

  15. Ricardo Alzaga Avatar

    One thing to note here is that the test for "sex" variable only checks if you're a boy (sex == 1) but if you enter another number, say 4, it will take for granted that you're a girl since sex would be different to 1. you could make another "if" statement inside that last "else"
    if (sex == 2)
    NSLog(@"welcome girlie");
    NSLog (@"What are you then?");

  16. Timothy Guarino Avatar

    I was wondering the same thing. messed around with it, and discovered you need to format it differently.

    The "Go to another website" needs to be after "enter age" and before "enter sex". This will tell the program to print the line "Go to another page" if the first "if" statement is true before it goes on to ask sex.

  17. Abdullah Omari Avatar

    i really thank u ,u are the best teacher and by the way can u make videos about xcode4

  18. Focus Scrub Avatar

    I still don't know what a nested if statement is.

  19. marsclips Avatar

    Starting at 7:33. If you type in 103 for age you should get the text "Go to another website" right away and not be asked for your sex anymore since that is part of the first "else" statement. That's at least how I understand it.

  20. leonkenney Avatar

    awesome, i just wish my brain would remember all this tuff, I'm getting dumber as i get older!!

  21. Ryan Truran Avatar

    2 people need to "Go to another website"

  22. Matthew Cousins Avatar

    no it doesnt work
    but good try lol

  23. Rob Waldron Avatar

    @omega011536886 He uses XCode

  24. Paradise Valley super Avatar

    whats name the complier u use ? plz

  25. solute4ever Avatar

    you're the boss πŸ™‚ I know all this stuff from Delphi, but im still listening to this as you're really the best teacher ever πŸ™‚

  26. 23cyborgx Avatar

    i think 1 jerk is a jerk who disslikes this video…

  27. canadia7x Avatar

    Python is similar yet so different…at least to me. Python scripting based though so you can just say or instead of ||

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